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Féidearthachtaí Iontacha/ Great Possibilities!

Thug Oifigeach Forbartha Gaeilge Ghlór Uachtar Tíre, Emer Ní Aodhagáin, cuairt do Sruth na Gaeilge in Ardscoil Naomh Maolmhaodhóg inné, áit a raibh sraith grúpaí fócias ag plé na féidearthachtaí a gcuirfear Children in Needs' Youth Social Action Fund ar fáil fá choinne Gaeilgeoirí óga i gceantar s'againne. Luaigh na daoine óga an-chuid smaointe iontacha - coimheád siúl gear amach ar an spás seo! Glór Uachtar Tíre's Irish Language Officer, Emer O'Hagan, visited St Malachy's High School's Irish Medium Stream yesterday where a series of focus groups discussed the possibilities that Children in Need's Youth Social Action Fund could provide for young Irish speakers in our locality. The young people suggested some fantastic ideas - watch this space!


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